25 Maret 2011

Android User Interface Development: Beginner's Guide


Quickly design and develop compelling user interfaces for your Android applications  
 * Leverage the Android platform's flexibility and power to design impactful user-interfaces
 * Build compelling, user-friendly applications that will look great on any Android device
 * Make your application stand out from the rest with styles and themes
 * A practical Beginner's Guide to take you step-by-step through the process of developing user interfaces to get your applications noticed!

In Detail

There are over 30,000 applications for Android that have been downloaded over a million times already. What makes yours any different? Building a compelling user-interface that people understand and enjoy is vital for the survival of a new application in an environment where look and feel may be the only thing between a user purchasing your application; or deleting it forever.

Working through examples, code-snippets, and screenshots this book introduces the fundamentals of good user-interface design from a developer's point of view. This book will put you above the rest by showing you how to build striking user interfaces to grasp your app users' attention enough to make them shell out some bucks to buy your application.

The Android User Interface Development Beginner's Guide will tell you everything you need to know to style your applications from bottom up. Given the importance of user-interface design on a touch-screen device, this book aims to equip its reader with the knowledge required to build killer Android applications. Starting simply, and keeping things easy, this book will take you on a step-by-step journey to understanding the principals of good user-interface design, and how to implement the best user interfaces on an Android mobile device. It aims at building design understanding on a chapter-by-chapter basis, while introducing platform knowledge through examples.

A practical definitive guide for developers who want to design and develop attractive Android user-interfaces

What you will learn from this book 
 * Design user-friendly interfaces that support quick and easy access to information
 * Explore and implement multiple layouts in Android to design user interfaces for the different screen sizes and densities
 * Ensure a consistent user-interface experience and improve your application performance by reusing your application components
 * Design easy-on-the-eye themes for your Android applications
 * Display and select complex data structures from applications such as an address-book or calendar application by using Android widgets
 *  Entertain your application users by animating visual queues of what the application is currently doing, and what effect their actions are having
 * Customize the built-in classes in Android to enhance the user interface by creating tabs and galleries
 * Leverage Android's resource loading system
 * Learn how best to present your user with information; or capture information from them
 * Work through examples featuring all major Android widgets, and some of the more unusual components 


This is a step-by-step guide that aims to give even a novice Android developer a good grasp of user-interface design, while working through examples, diagrams, and screenshots to showcase the various widgets and tools that the platform makes available.

Who this book is written for

If you have a little experience in Java and want to build applications for the Android phones, then this book is for you. This book will also help you if you already have applications on the Android platform and want to gain additional knowledge of user-interface design. It will appeal to all of the following readers: 
 * Junior Android Developers
 * MIDP Developers looking to broaden their skill-set
 * iPhone developers wanting to port applications
 * Entrepreneurial Android developers wanting to widen their user base


20 Maret 2011

Foto Miyabi hanyut bersama Tsunami

Inilah ulah tangan kreatif para pengemar bintang Panas asal jepang Miyabi. Seiring dengan dahsyatnya berita bencana gempa dan tsunami di jepang para penggemar Miyabi tak ketinggalan membuat berita heboh. berikut foto Miyabi yang ter seret tsunami.

Sumber: unic77.info

Cuplikan Percakapan Anak 4L4Y dengan Orang Biasa

gak ada angin gak ada ujan tiba tiba di Hpnya si B (bukan nama sebenarnya, lagian ega amat kalo ada orangtua yang ngasih nama anaknya “Be”) muncul sms dr nomer yang gak dikenal….

A = Alluw kag! Leh knal? Ap kBrx?

B = Wa’alaikumsalam Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh. .. Dengan hormat, sampainya pesan ini, saya akan memberitahukan bahwa kabar saya baik-baik saja…. Maaf beribu-ribu maaf, Ini gerangan nomer siapa ya? Kok acap kali sms nomernya ga ke save ya? (bales sepanjang mungkin)

A = Owh ea muuph lupa ng@s1h s4L4m,,,, Ini EnDoet LuThuwna EmbeM C@ianK Cmu@na. Inged gag kag? Eh, kug blzna pjg bgd ch? Gi ng4ps?

B = Yaiyalah panjang…. Lagian ga dibayar perhurup inih! Gw lagi mabok nerjemahin kata2 lo nih. Keypadnya ilang2an ya? Oh elo…. Eh, siapa tadi? Tembem semua? Perasaan temen-temen gw kalopun ada yang tembem paling sebagian dipipi doang. Ga sampe seluruh badan dah.

A = Huft …Plz dund…bkn t3mb3m cmu4, tp ¢emb3m c@iank cMuana. W AD
klaz xmp lw dlu. J4h@d bgd d3ch……fufufuuu :(

B = Yeeee mana gw apal. Adek kelas gw kan ada banyak. Bayangin misal
sekelas ada 25 murid cewe. Dikali 9 kelas. Nah, itung ndiri dah tuh ada
berapa! Itu belom dari sekolah2 laen. Mereka kan gw anggep adek kelas gw
semua walopun mereka ga nganggep gw. Coba? Masa iya gw apalin atu2. Lu
kira gw petugas sensus! Eh itu sebenernya huruf mau lo ganti apasih?
Jadi angka 4 apa a keong (@)? Satu aja ribet apalagi dua gw bacanya.
Plin-plan lo ah

A = Ea muuph kag…. Abzn udh kbi@s44n kag. Jng mrh dund… hix… hix…
Oh ea y.. Kn ad bnyk ea… muv dh muv.. Eh kag, w inged loh qt dlu prNh
kut xkul PeNcak sLt bReng jG.

B= Jorok lo ah

A = Pencak SILAT kak!!!

B = Ooohhh…. Nah itu bisa nulis bener

A = Tp w kluwar paz 5aBuk quNink. Gag kwt. Uji4nna bRad bGd

B = Gw ga pernah ikut pencak silat. Gw ikut cheers. Yang dipaling atas
formasi piramida kan gw. Lagi pula kalo gw ikut pencak silat, sabuknya ga
A = Iyh yng bn3r kag? Bc4nd@ aj dh wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk! !!

B = Etdah lo ketawanya serem amat kayak burung gagak.

A = Eh kag BTW n0m3r hpx kog ckep amad ch? Ky orangx

B = Nama gw bukan betawi.

A = Mksd w by the way

B = Kenapa emang JALANnya?


B = Oh… ga tau nih.. Beruntung aja dapet nomer bgini

A = Dpt dri m4n4 kag?

B = Hadiah es orson. Penting amat

A = Kag kuq fesbukx lum d k0nfr1m?

B = Confirm! Bukan Kon-frim! Oh yang foto profilnya dari atas sambil
manyun2 itu lo ya? Gw kira fanpage-nya Suneo. Belom-belom. Ntar deh kalo
angel foto lo udah bener. Eh, unyeng2 lo ada 5 ya? Ampe keliatan. Banyak
amat. Situ pake ekstensen unyeng2?

A = Iyh ka2g bC@nd4 aj@ dh. 1tukan age ngetrend kag futu dri @ta5. Mak1n
gaG kli4t@n mukax, makin keyenz!
B = Yaiyalah. Gimana mau keren kalo muka lo keliatan. Coba dong
sekali-sekali foto profilnya diganti pake fotokopi. Burem, perkecil,
bolak-balik. gitu.

A = Mangx uj14n!

B = Biar ga keliatan muke lu. Katanya makin ga keliatan makin kerennn…
Gw yakin asli lo ga sebagus di foto kan? Nih udah gw confirm. Eh, itu
foto2 lo banyak banget yang jari tangan angka satu dimulut. Lagi ngelonin
orok sapa lo? ya ampun.. Lo ga juling foto dari atas semua?

A = Gag. Udh b1aza k0g. Eh, kag mang gi onlen ea? Onlen d kul ap dihumz?

B = Eh kalo bahasa alaynya onlen di WC SPBU apaan? Salah semua tuh option lo

A = Ih… kakak joyokkkk…

B = Kadir ga diajak?

A = Itu Doyok kaaaggg…. Yah, w lgi gaG onlen niyh kag. Cb klo qt sm onlen, kn bs chat b4r3ng

B = Kita? Lo aja kali ama kawan2 lo. Lagian yang minta lo biar onlen sapeh?!

A = Hix..Hix…Jahad :( Kag kug lum bubu siyh? Kn udh mlm. Mang lum
ngantug ea?

B = Gw ga pernah ikut MLM deh

A = Malem Kag maksudx….

B = Udah gede ini. Lagian sembari ngelembur ngerjain tugas nih.

A= Cemangadh!

B = Hdagnamec

A = Paan tuch Kag???

B = Tulisan lo gw balik. Bingung gw nanggepin bahasa lo. Eh tulisan lo
bisa di normalin dikit ga? Sedikiiit aja demi gw
A = Oh ea deh kag..

B = Eh, ko gw baca status-status lo semuanya ngambil dari lirik-lirik lagu
ya??? Keabisan ide lo? Mana udah di Like-in sendiri, trus ga ada yang
comment pula.

A = Eaaa… Abisan w suka bgd kag sm lgu it. Co cweet bgd dech. It jga da
lgu knangan sm mantan w dlu

B = (Emang gw pikirin).

A = Ohiya kag! Bsk lusa jm 9 pgi d salah satu stasiun tv nntn w ya!

B = Itu kan acara live musik itu kan?! Yang penontonnya satu panggung sama
artis/bandnya. Trus sambil nari2 kompak banget dibelakangnya. Lo jadi
artis toh sekarang? Grup band lo apa namanya? Salut gw. Pasti lo jadi
vokalisnya ya? Apa lo soloist?

A = Bukan kag, gw jadi penontonx.

B = Huh?!!!!!!! (Keselek)

A = Ea, yng pnting msk tv kag! Gw ma rombongan udh nyiapin tarianx lho
kag. Biar kompak nnti narix. Nama tarianx Ngucek-Jemur- Ngucek-Jemur. Tau
dund kag ky gmana. Gag ngaruh deh mw bandx apa aliranx apa.

B = Trus kalo bandnya metal gimana??? Masa lo mau tetep joget

A = Ya gag ap kag. Lgan band metal mah gag mgkin d hadirin kag. Kyk ga tau
aja kag..

B = Yaudah deh, selamat joget ya. Kakak mo tidur dulu. Oia, besok lusa,
pagi2 kakak ga bisa nonton situ joget Ngucek-Jemur. Soalnya kakak sibuk
mau bikin anyam2an sedotan. Babay!

A = Bye… Met bubu kag. Eh kag, ntr jm2 bolax pa?

B = Hah?! Lo suka nonton bola pagi2 juga?
A = Yaelah bgadang nntn bola wajar x kag

B = Lo cowo apa cewe sih?!

A = Cow. Mang np?

B = Lah itu foto2 difesbuk?!

A = Itu mantan w kag. Fto w d album Juzt Me
B = ………… ……… ……… …….

A = Kag?

B = Eh iya sori. Udahan dulu ya. Gw baru ngeliat UFO nih. Bye!

Sumber: http://unic77.info/cuplikan-percakapan-anak-4l4y-dengan-orang-biasa.html

19 Maret 2011

Jadwal MotoGP Qatar 2011

Ada sedikit hal yang berbeda di GP Qatar 2011 jika dibandingkan dengan pelaksanaan GP Qatar sebelumnya dimana jadwal MotoGP 2011 di Qatar akan dilaksanakan selama 4 hari, 1 hari lebih lama dari GP Qatar sebelumnya yang hanya 3 hari saja. Jadwal GP Qatar 2011 seperti yang sudah dirilis sebelumnya adalah pada tanggal 17-20 Maret 2011.

Jangan sampai anda melewatkan penampilan perdana Valentino Rossi dengan motor barunya di GP Qatar 2011. Mampukah The Doctor bersama motor Ducati barunya menyaingi sang Juara Dunia MotoGP 2010, Jorge Lorenzo, di GP Qatar kali ini?

Saksikan MOTOGP LIVE di Trans 7 pada hari minggu 20 maret 2011. Nonton Live Streaming MotoGP Qatar di Trans7 Online.

Jadwal GP Qatar 2011, 17-20 Maret 2011

Kamis - 17 Maret 18:00-18:40 - Latihan bebas 1 kelas 125cc
18:55-19:40 - Latihan bebas 1 kelas Moto2
19:55-20:40 - Latihan bebas 1 MotoGP
20:55-21:35 - Latihan bebas 2 kelas 125cc
21:50-22:35 - Latihan bebas 2 kelas Moto2

Jumat - 18 Maret
18:00-18:45 - Latihan bebas 2 MotoGP
19:00-19:40 - Latihan bebas 3 kelas 125cc
19:55-20:40 - Latihan bebas 3 kelas Moto2
20:55-21:40 - Latihan bebas 3 MotoGP

Sabtu - 19 Maret
18:00-18:40 - Kualifikasi kelas 125cc
18:55-19:40 - Kualifikasi kelas Moto2
19:55-20:55 - Kualifikasi MotoGP
21:20-21:40 - Warm-up kelas 125cc
21:55-22:15 - Warm-up kelas Moto2

Minggu - 20 Maret
18:00-18:20 - Warm-up MotoGP
19:00 - Balapan kelas 125cc (18 laps)
20:15 - Balapan kelas Moto2 (20 laps)
22:00 - Balapan MotoGP (22 laps)

diunduh dari : http://blog.torajaindonesia.com/2011/03/jadwal-gp-qatar-2011-motogp-live-2011.html